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Beginner Braid Training

  • 31 Days
  • 14 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Wanting to learn how to braid or have you been practicing but need hands on assistance? Then this class is for you! This will be a 4hr class to help you become the best braider you can be! Techniques learned will be individual braids/twist, as well as cornrows and scalp twist! You choose the date, and you'll also have access to online course content for one month! Must provide your own mannequin or purchase one from Amazon: All other supplies will be provided for your in-class use: combs, brushes, hair clips, hair gels etc.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




Group Discussion

Contact the program owner to see this group.

Beginner Braid & Natural Hair Class

Private1 Member


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Course Instructors

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